Sunday, June 7, 2009

New Adventure Angst

Cursor… Cursor…. Cursor… Cursor…

Did you notice the extra cursor this week? It took a few seconds longer to start hitting the keyboard. Taking longer or starting later is okay.

Recently, I’ve been included in a yahoo group with sixty-six other women. This association has a wide range of ages. I’ve heard some express that it took years for them to begin the adventure they’re on and they’re fearful it’s too late to realize their dream. I disagree. Starting projects later in life has its advantages.

We’ve experienced more life. We’ve witnessed events the younger generation hasn’t—if you’re writing, that’s more material. We’ve built many more networking bridges and taken down a few that needed to be. Our time left here in this world is not known by any other—it could be decades more so we have time. On occasion, we have more time than our younger counter parts. Life is just beginning for them and it includes lessons to be learned.

So relax. Don’t angst. Next time you think I’m too old to start another new adventure remember you’ve got a lot going for you. And to the new girls and boys on the block, you have time.


  1. Age is just a number. :-)


  2. Amen. Age and experience will win out over youth and enthusiasm any day--at least that's what I keep telling myself. *g*

    Great post, Autumn. So, the adventure begins.

  3. Go for it, Gwen. Feel the engery I'm sending you.

  4. COURAGE to actually follow the writing dream came to me at 50. Time to get my children old enough and time to feel I had something to say. But NOT TOO OLD to ENJOY the Adventure, RISE to the Challenge, and SHARE the Journey with others willing to DREAM--Like Autumn.

  5. Lisa, You're such a great inspiration yourself, girlfriend. :>) I'm glad I'm enjoying the journey with so many friends, both young and young at heart. (((HUGS, honey)))

  6. Agreed! I had the writing bug early, but didn't act on it until my kids were grown. I don't think I could have done both at the same time. Something would have been neglected...probably the kids.

  7. Priorities. You made the right choice. Congrats on starting later. ;>)

  8. I'm a late bloomer as well. But I feel at this age, I know more about the human condition. Something I wouldn't have known in my youth.

    And I agree. Age is just a number. My brain is younger than the body it occupies.

  9. What a great blog. It hits the nail right on the head. My brain doesn't match my body either!
    But you are so right!

  10. Hey late bloomer, Donna. I'm glad you stopped by and commented. Write from the soul.

  11. I'm glad you like what I had to say today, Mary. Thanks for stopping by and follow if you'd like.

  12. Life just gets better! Totally agree! The more you learn, the more you experience, the more you can share and help others!!! Great Blog!

  13. Great advice. I'm about to turn another decade and have to check a diifernt "box" on the forms.

    We need to be reminded that age is a state of mind and athat we can do anything (except spell in my case :)

  14. Totally agree. The older you are the more experiences you have to write about. Age is a number, youth is an attitude.

  15. Hey, Melissa. I love your insight. Knowledge should be passed on. Thanks for checking in today.

  16. Happy Birthday, KO. Check that box with pride, sweetie.

  17. Hey, KK. You lady know how to live life. Glad you stopped by.

  18. I totally agree, but then I'm 53. :)

  19. Great post!
    At 51 I'm hoping the adventure is just beginning.

  20. Still a reasonably "young 'un" :-), but I couldn't agree more: you should never be afraid to try something new, or to pursue your dreams. Nice post.

  21. Thanks, ladies. My walk in the blog world, so far, has been fun. I hope you follow me. I'm your Sunday morning personal section. ;>) A little read. A little chat.
