Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Cursor… Cursor... Cursor…

Hope. We all carry the desire—some of us on the cuff, others deep inside.
Hope. We all dream for different things; health, wealth, love.
Hope. We all cling to our faith—some with weak spirits, others with strong hearts.

Hope. Some of us share our desires with others.
Hope. Some of us dream alone.
Hope. Some of us cling to faith when others are lost.

Hope. Know, only you can decide if your desire is worthy of sacrifice.
Hope. Know, you can make a dream come true.
Hope. Know, when others are lost you can share your faith.

My hope this holiday is that a young couple I know feels God's touch and their battle against cancer is won. Please share your hope, if you so desire.


  1. Thanks for the poetic posting - I too am standing for a young family member who is suffering from alcohol addiction - we can all be a commitment that others suffering is alleviated and they live fulfilled lives - thanks for sharing your thoughts

  2. Lynn, That is hard on especially at this time of year. Throughout time festivities included drink. I hope he or she finds the strength they need. I'm sure they will with support such as yourself. Thank you for stopping by and sharing. Blessing to you and your family member.


  3. Beautiful, Autumn. Hope and prayer are life's anchors in the hard times, as is a generous measure of humor. May God richly bless this young couple.

  4. Thanks, Beth. You're prayers are appreciated.

  5. Nice post, Autumn. We'll add them to our prayer list. Seems like there is a special need for prayer this holiday season.

  6. That is so true, Bart. I'm cetainly counting my blessings. Thank you for adding them (J & R) to your prayers.


  7. I too know someone whose husband is fighting cancer. A fellow author. I'd like to add them to everyone's prayers.

  8. Definitely, Mary. ((Hugs))) Too you and your friend.


  9. Hope is the thing that keeps us holding on even as the rope frays. Much love to you and yours this Christmas, doll.

  10. "Know, you can make a dream come true." Working on it, Autumn! Thanks for the post.

  11. Gwyn, You always have a lovely way with words. Thank you for the love. Back at you, lady. wink

  12. Beautiful post Autumn. My prayers are for a young couple, two people who are torn between two religions. May they come to the right path.
