Thursday, August 16, 2012

My Life Went Into The Toilet


My name is Stephanie, and I have a story for you.

It all started Labor Day weekend. It was so peaceful in the cool, green mountains of northeast Pennsylvania. Well, as peaceful as it could be with two kids who didn't want to be camping with their mom.

Then it happened.



It didn't take me long to realize who I was dealing with.

Needless to say that I was scared out of my mind. Look at me. Where was I to hide from the Russian Mafia?

Then John came into our lives. He was working the case. Together, I knew we had a chance.

Yes, some say we shouldn't have fallen in love. FBI agents don't do that. Right? (ROLLING EYES) The heart knows what it wants.

The weeks the kids, John and I spent on the run are ones we'll never forget and neither will you.
HIS WITNESS TO EVIL is FREE as a Amazon download Thursday & Friday (Aug. 16 & 17)

Please spread the word. What I learned teaming up with the FBI might help you one day.

And while you're at Amazon, check out my new release SEIZED BY DARKNESS. Thanks for stopping by.

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